The 38 ft Cabo, Cabolito has just completed her haul out for new antifoul and hull polish. Professional Boat Care has been maintaining Cabolito for a couple of years now, and we are proud to have her in our fleet. The Cabo’s are such a well built boat, from their electrical work, through to hull strength and design. She is powered by twin C12 Caterpillars which give an exhilarating 38 knots wide open! She is a proven fish raiser, and I have had the pleasure of skippering her on many occasions out wide chasing Blue Marlin. Our best day last year was an impressive 4 tagged and released!
The haul out work included new antifoul, prop speed application to running gear, water intakes, anodes and hull cut and polish. We also opted to raise the waterline 50mm this time. When she is filled to the brim with diesel she looked like she was sitting a little low.
She is looking big, fast and first class – ready for another successful year of billfishing!