This years trip departed on the Wednesday evening and we returned Friday. The forecast held true with 5 to 10 knots of ENE Wednesday evening allowing us to anchor on the ledge west of Cowan Cowan to fish the 11pm turn of the tide. The fishing was very quiet but the trip across the bay was flat calm, in contrast to the atmosphere in the saloon as the boys enjoyed the first State of Origion on the big screen.
I got underway a little later than expected the following morning but we still managed to be passing Cape Moreton as dawn broke with the expected 10 to 15 NE already blowing.
Our plan was to fish Deep Tempest and then Shallow Tempest on the way back in. The fishing was painfully slow and the wind and southerly set made it difficult to hold the bottom. But the boys were determined to put together a feed.
After fishing the peak bite times we steamed back to the Tangalooma Wrecks mid afternoon for the evening feast.
One of our usual crew, Jonathon O’Brien couldn’t make this years trip but still managed to come across late Thursday in his new 25ft Powercat for the evening’s festivities.
Waking to the forecast rain we enjoyed a hearty breakfast prepared once again by our dashing and talented cook, Bruce Baker before departing for home. This year is our Silver Jubilee as a group of fishing mates, having origionally come together on our annual Moreton Island Week. There is some debate around the fact that it is probably more like 30 years, but either way, we are proud of this achievement and thrilled to add our South Pacific II trips to this ritual!