29 July, 2011

Last Friday saw numerous schools of Macktuna feeding around the Western Rocks area north of Comboyuro Point, Moreton Island. While these fish are not good to eat, they are an excellent sport fish on light tackle. In fact, many sport fisherman say nothing pulls harder than a Macktuna – pound for pound.
I was fishing solo on my trailer boat Salt Shaker III and got 4 from 6 casts initially but the bite did ease off after the 8.00am high tide. My mates Helman and Maxie were fishing solo from their boats and enjoyed the session also. With a moderate Southerly blowing we rafted up late Friday afternoon at Yellow Patch for the evening where I had some fun with a large Hammerhead. As is often the way with sharks, I had numerous unsuccesful hook-ups on my 30lb wire trace outfit with the shark just mouthing the Macktuna slab, running for 100 metres then dropping it when I came tight. A short time later it ate my livie and spooled me in what was probably less than a minute! Good fun and it certianly made our evening dip (bath) a quick in and out of the water experience!